
As you probably assumed, when reading the title, this page has to do with the subject of depletion.  Nonrenewable energy sources (commonly referred to as fossil fuels) are finite resources that are depleting much faster than they are being replaced.

Oil, the most well known fossil fuel, is nearing its end as an energy option. According to Colin Campbell, "been declining for the past 50 years, it is safe to say that the production rate is not very far behind.  U.S. oil production peaked in the year 1970, and has been in an irreversible decline ever since."
As this graph shows the production of oil within the US has been in steady decline since about 1970 and it makes sense to think that world oil production will follow in just a matter of time. All the predictions of peak global production fall within the decade of 2005-2015.

The decrease in production will lead to higher oil prices around the world, that is inevitable, and as seen in 2008, economic calamity is the outcome.  

All fossil fuels are subjected to depletion, so the million dollar question is, what do we do when they are gone?