We as a civilization have exploited a favorable circumstance for as long as possible, and a societal reversion is virtually imminent. The question of how to efficiently use fossil fuels is of no importance since, no matter how stingy we are, at some point in time it will be gone. If we do not experience the point of depletion in our lifetime, chances are our children may, or maybe their children. I have developed few ideas on how to begin the transformation back to localized communities.
We need to bring American companies back to the United States and start buying their products. We need to slowly learn how to live without using technology as much as possible, since that may be the first product to disappear. We need to start purchasing our food from local farmers, while food from other countries will have to become a luxury. We will need to get used to vacations being spent at home or maybe none at all. These are just a few suggestions but the list could go on forever. The point I am making is fossil fuels will be gone someday along with all of the advantages they supply us, and since renewable energy is unsustainable we need to start addressing the problem now